What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a hands on, holistic, energy based healing system. It improves mental health with regard to stress and anxiety and physical conditions.

It was developed by Buddhist Mikao Usui in the late 1800’s after enlightenment on Mount Kurama, Japan.

Reiki practitioners are inducted with the intent to enable them to first heal themselves, before sharing healing with others.

My walk in the footsteps of Usui | Energy Centre | Mount Kurama, Japan

My walk in the footsteps of Usui | Energy Centre | Mount Kurama, Japan


What Happens In A Session?

A basic session with me includes a brief discussion before the client lies fully clothed on the treatment bed.

The client is given the choice of hands on or hands off treatment- whichever they are most comfortable with.

All they need do next, is close their eyes and relax (and breathe!) as I lay my hands on energy centres along the body. The universal energy flows through me into the client to areas which need help to clear any energy blockages that may exist.

The client may feel heat, coolness or other sensations. The client may feel nothing at the time of the session but feel positive effects afterwards. Reiki is a non-invasive, non-religious technique for relaxation and pain relief.

I let you know gently when the session is complete and you are free to get up slowly, perhaps sip some water and go back, more relaxed, into the world.


Karen Jackel, Founder